FAQs for Implementation of New Labor Contracts for GSRs, ASEs and Postdocs
UCR Graduate Division, Labor Relations and Academic Personnel continue to appreciate your patience and collaboration as questions/answers are added to this FAQ. We encourage you to check back periodically because updates will be made as more answers are received. Please find the ASE, GSR, and Postdoc Contract Implementation FAQs below.
If you don't see your question answered here, please contact patrick.napier@ucr.edu.
Basic Principles and Concepts
The Contracts
Although the contracts are finalized, the PDFs are unformatted; links to the final articles can be viewed below. Formatted contracts will be posted on the UCOP website, Bargaining Units and Contracts
- Academic Student Employees (ASEs)/BX Contract
- Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs)/BR Contract
- Postdoctoral Scholars/PX Contract
Salary Scales and Timing
The new ASE and GSR contracts are in effect immediately following ratification. Some portions of the contracts, including wages, will be phased in over time. The new rates will govern our minimum rates of compensation for graduate academic student employees.
The AY 2022-2023 salary rate is effective April 1, 2023, and future increases are expected to be effective each October. Updated salary scales, once formatted, will be posted annually on the UCOP website Current Academic Salary Scales .
Important Notes:
- Please remember that neither the University nor the contracts require 12-month appointments. The tables above show both the 9-month and 12-month equivalencies.
- For new students (entering FA23), a department may make a determination about the appropriate placement of a student on the GSR steps/salary points. Current GSRs should be placed on the indicated salary point that corresponds to their current step (indicated as ‘Prior step’). Moving forward, in all cases, GSRs and ASEs must meet the contract expectation in terms of work experience.
- The percentage appointment should be based on work effort. If the work duties and effort for GSR or ASEs are modified, the percentage appointment may be increased or decreased. However, there is no requirement or expectation that the percentage appointment should change solely on account of ratification of the contracts.
ASE (BX) & GSR (BR) Contracts
Where can I find more information regarding the academic policies governing Graduate Student Employment
Information regarding regulations and procedures for academic standards can be found on the Graduate Division website: https://graduate.ucr.edu/regulations-and-procedures
Appointments & Hiring
What is the timing of the salary increases?
Generally speaking, the contract is in effect immediately upon ratification. The specific contract articles governing wages go into effect 90 days after ratification. The effective dates for the new ASE and GSR wages are the start of first pay period of the Spring 2023 quarter 4/1/2023.
Can we combine a student’s appointment in a given quarter so that they are both an ASE and GSR? How do we do this now?
As has always been true, any student can concurrently hold different types of appointments (ASE, GSR). This has not changed.
There may be an issue with % FTE with actual work effort - how will departments and PIs comply with any requirements such as “workload will be commensurate with the appointment percentage and title/classification.”?
The responsibilities and workload for GSRs and ASEs remain under the purview of the University as part of management rights. Work duties are expected to be briefly described in the Description of Duties accompanying the Appointment letters. Strict adherence to hire at 50% is not a requirement of the contract. However the Workload article states that the appointment percentage must be commensurate with the hours worked (effort), and not calculated to achieve a gross dollar figure.
Are student employees allowed to work remotely? How can we ensure that students come to campus?
- Under no circumstances is UC employment permitted for students who are abroad. There are significant risks to the University of California with allowing employees (including student employees) to work from an international location even for a short period of time. More information regarding telework can be found in this UCOP guidance: https://www.ucop.edu/local-human-resources/_files/op-life/uc-personnel-policies-for-staff-members_telecommuting-guidelines.pdf
- Please reach out to campus personnel affiliates for guidance to discuss on a case-by-case basis.
Child Care
What will be the process for child care reimbursement (ASE & GSR)?
New: Students must submit the request for reimbursement no later than 30 calendar days following the quarter for which the reimbursement is sought. . Hiring departments should then process the payments in UCPath. The process for entry into UCPath has not changed.
What funding source will cover the cost of childcare reimbursements?
We don't have the answer at this time, but we've reached out for guidance, and we'll update the FAQ as soon as we can.
What funding source will cover the cost of dependent care insurance coverage?
The employee (student) pays this cost on a pre-tax basis. For more information, please see DepCare FSA for Academic Student Employees ()
What funding source will cover the cost of paid time off for illness, maternity/baby bonding, caregiving?
The same funding source as the gross pay (there is no separate funding source entered in UCPath for leaves).
Will the new child care costs be included in the CBR rates and will the CBR rates increase?
A CBR rate is not used for GSR or ASE benefits. Childcare is directly reimbursed (see above).
When do the increased childcare reimbursement amounts and dependent health insurance kick in? Winter 2023 or Spring 2023?
Increased childcare reimbursement started January 1, 2023.
How will child care reimbursements that have already been entered for Winter 2023 be handled? Will departments need to make manual adjustments in UCPath?
We don't have the answer at this time, but we've reached out for guidance, and we'll update the FAQ as soon as we can.
When does the "expanded to 8 paid weeks per year for serious health conditions, family care, baby bonding, pregnancy or childbirth-related needs" benefit begin?
Dependent health insurance and 8 paid weeks of leave started upon ratification, which was December 2022.
Fee Remissions & Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition (NSRT)
Are we required to pay NRST for students outside of the current OP practice and the UCR local policy for students in appointments over 25% FTE?
No, the current OP policy and the local UCR policy for NRST coverage of GSRs over 45% FTE are what is required.
Remission of tuition and fees for GSRs and ASEs has been posted to my ledger without any adjustments for the strike. Will this be adjusted?
We don't have the answer at this time, but we've reached out for guidance, and we'll update the FAQ as soon as we can.
How does the contract affect students from self-supported programs who are employed outside their home academic department/program? Will the employing department pay the remission of tuition and fees?
Since tuition and fees are a benefit of employment, the employing unit is expected to cover the remission of tuition and fees. Fee remission will be proportionately split according to the distribution of effort across all salary fund sources.
Graduate Funding Reform
Are graduate students guaranteed a 50% appointment?
ASEs/GSRs are guaranteed the compensation at the rates outlined in the tables above, commensurate with and according to their specific effort. Nowhere in the contracts, nor in university policy, is it stated that students are guaranteed any percentage of appointment. Appointment percentage must be commensurate with the hours worked (effort), and not calculated to achieve a gross dollar figure.
Wages, Salary Tables, Salary Range Adjustment
Will adjusted compensation rates automatically be programmed in UCPath?
Increases will be handled via a UC-wide salary range adjustment. The range adjustment will collapse the existing GSR tables, expand the ASE tables, and increase the rates.
Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs), Trainees, and Fellows - BR Contract
How should PIs assess labor covered by the UAW agreement versus academic labor? Will there be different course codes for the % effort GSR and the % effort for thesis work?
It is always best practice to have clear syllabi with associated learning goals and expectations, descriptions of academic expectations, and clear explanations of how academic assessments and evaluations of work will be conducted. The contract acknowledges that academic responsibilities continue to exist for all students and that these academic requirements may be separate from employment workload. We've reached out for more guidance on this topic, and we'll update the FAQ as soon as we can.
Can students be dismissed from the program for unsatisfactory academic performance at the discretion of graduate programs?
Yes, departmental policies should continue to be followed. For students who are not meeting academic requirements, please ensure you are following the academic probation and dismissal guidelines available here.
Appointments & Hiring
Will there be a way to quickly query how many quarters graduate students have been appointed as ASEs or GSRs since the salary will become contingent on quarters in those titles.
Campus Graduate Division staff are presently being asked to assist in this process, and more details will be forthcoming about this.
Will GSRs need to be hired at 50%?
Strict adherence to hire at 50% is not a requirement of the contract. However the Workload article states that the effort needs to be commensurate with effort. Appointment percentage must be commensurate with the hours worked (effort), and not calculated to achieve a gross dollar figure.
Will there be a limit (still) on GSRs being appointed over 50%? Since they won’t accrue vacation, is there anything else to consider?
Once UCPath makes the technical adjustments to the GSR Job Codes, Graduate Divison will begin considering exceptions requests for GSR appointments over 50%. The academic interests and academic progress of the graduate student should be the focus of any justification provided. More details will be forthcoming.
Can my department change the current Step Level(s)?
For the current cohort, students must be moved according to the mapping detailed in the contract and described in guidance distributed from the Provost’s Office. Departments will have the opportunity to place students at new Step Levels for future cohorts.
What rate will departments be required to pay if they hire a GSR from another department? Can a hiring department pay a rate lower than the established rate by an academic home department if it meets the contract requirements?
We don't have the answer at this time, but we've reached out for guidance, and we'll update the FAQ as soon as we can.
How does the agreement impact students not employed as Graduate Student Researchers?
Students not employed as Graduate Student Researchers or identified as Research Fellows/Trainees are not covered by the BR contract. “Students who receive funding, including financial aid awards, to pursue a course of study with no or de minimis service expectation imposed by the University, and whose receipt of these funds does not require the performance of service at the direction and control of the University” are EXCLUDED from the BR/GSR unit.
Fellows & Trainees
Which articles, if any, are applicable to trainees/fellows (not in the GSR title)?
All trainees and fellows that obtain financial support for performance of a service for the University and perform research under the specific direction of a faculty member or authorized Principal Investigator are included in the bargaining unit. More details are included in the article “Recognition”.
What authority will review individual fellowships to determine if they meet the definition of "Fellow" Category of Employees? Will additional guidance on interpretation of the fellowship terms vs. the definition be provided?
We don't have the answer at this time, but we've reached out for guidance, and we'll update the FAQ as soon as we can
What documentation will be required in the case of a layoff due to loss of funding?
The Emergency Layoff article indicates that the University “may, but shall not be required, to pay GSRs during periods of emergency layoff.”
Personal Time Off (PTO)
Will graduate students employed as GSRs earn vacation?
Vacation leave was not part of the final agreement. Instead, GSRs with a 25% or more appointment, for a minimum of one full month, will be eligible to use personal time off with pay during the length of the appointment. GSRs may earn up to 12 days per year and the days will be prorated at a rate of one day per month for every full month of appointed service.
How will PTO for GSRs be tracked? Will TARS be used?
TARS will not be used. Hiring departments will need to track PTO locally.
How will requests to use PTO be managed for GSRs? Faculty have asked if there is a new (formal) process or further information about students requesting PTO.
The PTO article of the GSR contract sets forth the practice of requesting time off, which is now referred to more generally as Personal Time Off (PTO). Very briefly, a GSR should make a request for PTO to the advisor. As stated in the contract “The University may deny requests for personal time off based on operational needs, in accordance with the provisions of B.2. and 3., below. The university shall not unreasonably deny a GSR’s request for personal time off."
Wages & Salary Tables
How do we determine which new experience-level step a GSR should be on?
Experience is based on the number of quarters worked by a certain point in time. Beginning October 1, 2023, The review period for increases based on experience will only occur once a year at the end of spring quarter.
- A GSR with three (3) quarters of experience as a GSR at 25% or higher per term at the same campus will be appointed at Step 2 or higher.
- A GSR with six (6) quarters of experience as a GSR at 25% or higher per term at the same campus will be appointed at Step 3 or higher.
- Students may be placed at a step higher (from contract: “At the University’s sole discretion, it may place GSRs at a higher salary point than the minimum”).
Can we require that departments set their minimum GSR step levels at the step above and closest to their departmental support Graduate Funding Reform (GFR) amount? This would simplify packaging with employment and stipend combinations.
• Current GSRs should be placed on the new step that corresponds to the old step: old Steps 1-4 = new Step 1; old Step 5 = new Step 2; old Step 6 = new Step 3; old step 7 = new Step 4; old step 8 = new Step 5; old steps 9-10 = new Step 6. The percent appointment can remain unchanged.
• However, if a program wishes to change the percent appointment, the workload must be adjusted accordingly. There is NO expectation or requirement that every GSR have a 50% appointment; any appointment is permitted to meet the employment needs of the PI. As has always been true, departments may elect to appoint their students at higher steps.
• Keep the following in mind: the new steps outlined in the contracts are supposed to be experience-based. In theory, new students with no experience would be appointed to entry level steps. But in practice, the contract gives us latitude. This latitude means that we are allowed to appoint students to ANY step, so long as those who have experience are not appointed to the entry level step.
Academic Student Employees (ASEs) - BX Contract
Wages & Salary Tables
When will the new rates for ASE become effective and do departments need to process any retro pay when we receive those new rates?
See current UCOP tables for salary scales and schedule of increases. No retroactive pay will be due.
How do we determine which new experience-level step an ASE should be on?
Successful completion of at least 25% appointment in a quarter counts towards the experience. Thus, a student who has been an ASE for the indicated number of quarters qualifies for the increase in step. If a TA has experience for 3 quarters, they should be placed on Step 2. If a TA has 6 quarters of experience, they should be placed on Step 3.
Is it correct that Associate Instructors are not on the same experiential salary scale as TAs?
According to the contract, an experience-based system is now in place for Associate instructors. Current Associate instructors should be placed on the new salary scale at the nearest point on or above their range adjusted full-time salary rate. If an Associate Instructor has experience at 25% FTE or more for 6 quarters, they shall be placed on salary point 3 unless already on a higher salary point. If an Associate Instructor has advanced to candidacy and has 6 quarters of experience, they shall be placed on salary point 5 unless already paid at a higher point.
Postdoctoral Scholars - PX Contract
If a postdoctoral scholar had a one year initial appointment based on the old contract, is it mandatory to give a two-year reappointment?
According to the new contract, reappointments must be a minimum of one year. Though only a one year reappointment is required, in cases where a postdoc only had a one year initial appointment, a two-year reappointment should be honored so that the postdoc receives at least one, two-year appointment over their career.
Are there any circumstances in which a reappointment may be for less than one year?
Yes. There are three justifications: 1) Less than one (1) year of programmatic work; 2) exhausted eligibility as a postdoc; and 3) work authorization limitations.
If a PI does not have the funding to support a postdoc for the two years that is now required for initial appointments, what are the exceptions criteria and/or documents required for less than two-year initial appointment?
The PI is required to offer a new postdoc a two year initial appointment. If the project funding ends before the appointment end date, then the postdoc would be subject to layoff.
If a PI does not have funding for the one year reappointment, what are the PI’s options?
Reasons for less than one year reappointments can only be for: 1) less than one (1) year of programmatic work; 2) exhausted eligibility as a postdoc; and 3) work authorization limitations. If the reason is lack of funding, the process would be to give a one year appointment and then initiate a layoff if no other funding is available.
Will PIs be required to provide proof of two years of funding for the initial appointment?
No, proof of two-year funding is not required. But it is good practice to keep records of funding.
How/when will postdocs who have recently been reappointed under the previous salary scale get a salary increase? Are we still considering anniversary dates for salary increases?
Postdocs will no longer receive their experience level increases on their appointment anniversary date. Rather, they will receive their increase on April 1 or October 1, based on their appointment date. For example, if a postdoc is reappointed on February 1, 2023, during this transition period, they will receive a reappointment and level increase on the previous May 1, 2022 scale. Then on April 1, 2023, they will receive a range adjustment on the April 1, 2023 scale. Then on October 1, 2023, when the annual postdoc salary scale goes into effect, they will receive another level increase and receive all future experience level increases on October 1.
Transition Issues
For postdocs who are up for reappointment between the contract ratification date of December 9, 2022, and April 1, 2023, when the new salary scale goes into effect, do we reappoint to the next step and rate or just reappoint?
Postdocs should be reappointed on their anniversary date and advanced to the next step on the May 1, 2022, salary scale.
Are current postdocs going to be moved to two-year appointments when the current contract comes into effect? Does this void previous appointments? Will this only apply to new hires?
As of December 9, 2022, all new Initial Appointments must be for two years. Therefore, any offers that were made before the new contract but with a post-December 9, 2022 effective date, must be amended with a two-year offer.
For new appointments or reappointment offers that have already been issued with different appointment durations, can they be withdrawn and reissued with the new minimum duration requirements?
Yes. All offers that are effective on or after December 9, 2022, must be amended based on the requirements of the new contract.
Will UC provide bridge funding to cover the increase in postdoc salaries over the next two years while research budgets can be recalibrated?
Per the provost’s February 17 email: Central campus has set aside $1M in one-time funds to mitigate the salary and benefits cost increases to extramural grants “in progress” for GSRs and postdocs supervised by PIs who are neither able to amend their grant budgets nor to access discretionary funding to make up the shortfall. PIs in need of assistance should solicit their departments first to determine whether there are departmental discretionary funds available. If the departments are unable to contribute, the PI and the department chair should seek assistance from the college/school dean. The dean will make the determination whether to apply to my office for central funding support. Requests from deans for central support should be submitted by April 15, 2023.
General Questions
Academic Researchers
Where do we find info regarding the implementation of the contract for Academic Researchers?
Research Affairs is working on content to add to this FAQ as soon as they can.