Graduate Student Researcher (GSR)
General GSR Employment Information
GSR’s are students who perform research related to the student's degree program in an academic department or research unit under the direction of a faculty member or authorized principal investigator. Graduate students may be employed during the academic year on a part-time basis that does not to exceed 50% time. These appointments are awarded by academic programs.
Please be aware, the information below does not yet reflect the provisions outlined in the new UAW Collective Bargaining Agreement. We will be updating this webpage in the coming months.
Full-Time Enrollment
Once appointed, students are expected to continue to adhere to the above requirements and to enroll in and complete 12 units of coursework or research.
Working More Than 50% Time
Graduate students may not be employed more than 50 percent time or 20 hours per week during the academic year in any combination of appointments. During quarter breaks and in the summer, GSRs may be employed full-time.