Returning & Continuing Students
Check with your graduate program for eligibility requirements and program details prior to submitting an online application for any of the returning or continuing application options.
Leave of Absence
To request a leave of absence from graduate studies for 1 - 3 quarters, log into R'Grad to access the Leave of Absence form.
Continuing Students
For those applying for Add a Major or Change of Major, you will use the new graduate application system. For those applying for a Change of Degree Objective, select the appropriate type below to find out how to apply.
Add a Major
Currently enrolled UCR graduate students can request to add another major with the approval of the new program and, importantly, their current program (i.e., Computer Science PHD adding a Statistics MS). Please note that coursework used to obtain one degree cannot be used towards degree requirements in another degree.
Apply using our new online application system. Students who entered their first quarter of graduate study at UCR before Summer 2023 must select the Create an account link to apply.
Complete all sections of the application as noted below. Please contact the Graduate Admissions Office for assistance if you cannot select your desired term or program.
- Personal Information – complete all required fields.
- General Information - complete all required fields.
- Program Details - complete all required fields.
- Program Specific Questions – skip.
- Academic History – add all institutions attended, including your graduate-level attendance at UCR. Your graduate program staff coordinator will upload transcripts from your previous application. You may use R’Web to upload an unofficial graduate transcript.
- Testing Requirements – skip.
- Test Scores – skip.
- Upload Score Report – skip.
- References – our system does require you to enter contact information for three recommenders, but we only need a letter from the Graduate Advisor of your current program addressing the impact the additional major may have on your current degree program. Contact the program you would like to add to inquire if additional letters are required. Do not use letter(s) of recommendation written for the program you are in currently. If no additional letters are required, you may enter your Program Staff Coordinator's contact information for the remaining required recommenders. The Program Staff Coordinator DOES NOT need to provide a letter of recommendation.
- Supporting Materials – upload a Statement of Purpose that addresses the below items. Please upload that document to the Applicant Statement of Personal History section and any other required documents.
- Please state your specific interests with respect to the program to which you are applying. Your intended area of specialization, career objective and research interests and experience are of particular interest to why you are adding a major. ALL applicants are required to submit this form.
- Review – address any issues noted in this section. You only need to address the Required Field or Error items. The Warning items are optional fields.
- You may submit your application WITHOUT submitting payment. Please ensure that you notify your graduate program of your submission as they must request that the Graduate Admissions Office waive the application fee to begin the review process.
Change of Major
Currently enrolled UCR graduate students can request to change to another major with approval from the new program. Be aware that any financial support that you have received for your current major will not automatically apply to the new major. Please note that coursework used to obtain one degree cannot be used towards degree requirements in another degree.
If changing your major includes changing your degree objective to Ph.D., you may be eligible for new cohort funding. See the Applying for New Cohort Funding section to see if you qualify and how to apply.
Apply using our new online application system. Students who entered their first quarter of graduate study at UCR before Summer 2023 will need to select the Create an account link to apply.
Complete all sections of the application as noted below. Please contact the Graduate Admissions Office for assistance if you cannot select your desired term or program.
- Personal Information – complete all required fields.
- General Information - complete all required fields.
- Program Details - complete all required fields.
- Program Specific Questions – skip.
- Academic History – add all institutions attended, including your graduate-level attendance at UCR. Your graduate program staff coordinator will upload transcripts from your previous application. You may use R’Web to upload an unofficial graduate transcript.
- Testing Requirements – skip.
- Test Scores – skip.
- Upload Score Report – skip.
- References – our system does require you to enter contact information for three recommenders, but we require you to provide a minimum of one letter of recommendation from the research or program advisor of the new major. Contact the program you would like to add to inquire if additional letters are required. Do not use letter(s) of recommendation written for the program you are in currently. If no additional letters are required, you may enter your Program Staff Coordinator's contact information for the remaining required recommenders. The Program Staff Coordinator DOES NOT need to provide a letter of recommendation.
- Supporting Materials – upload a Statement of Purpose that addresses the below items. Please upload that document to the Applicant Statement of Personal History section and any other required documents.
- Please state your specific interests with respect to the program to which you are applying. Your intended area of specialization, career objective and research interests and experience are of particular interest to why you are changing your major. ALL applicants are required to submit this form.
- Review – address any issues noted in this section. You only need to address the Required Field or Error items. The Warning items are optional fields.
- You may submit your application WITHOUT submitting payment. Please ensure that you notify your graduate program of your submission as they must request that the Graduate Admissions Office waive the application fee to begin the review process.
Change of Degree Objective (PHD to Master's)
To change your degree objective from PhD to Master's within the same major, i.e. Ph.D. in Economics to M.A. in Economics, complete the Change of Degree Objective petition with the Graduate Academic Affairs Office in Graduate Division.
Change of Degree Objective (Master's to PHD)
To change your degree objective from Master's to PhD within the same major, i.e. M.A. in Art History to Ph.D. in Art History, you will apply using our new graduate application system. Students who entered their first quarter of graduate study at UCR before Summer 2023 will need to select the Create an account link to apply.
Complete all sections of the application as noted below. Please contact the Graduate Admissions Office for assistance if you cannot select your desired term or program.
- Personal Information – complete all required fields.
- General Information - complete all required fields.
- Program Details - complete all required fields.
- Program Specific Questions – skip.
- Academic History – add all institutions attended, including your graduate-level attendance at UCR. Your graduate program staff coordinator will upload transcripts from your previous application. You may use R’Web to upload an unofficial graduate transcript.
- Testing Requirements – skip.
- Test Scores – skip.
- Upload Score Report – skip.
- References – our system does require you to enter contact information for three recommenders, but we only need a letter from your research or program advisor supporting your change of degree objective. You may enter your Program Staff Coordinator's contact information for the remaining two required recommenders. The Program Staff Coordinator DOES NOT need to provide a letter of recommendation.
- Supporting Materials – upload a Statement of Purpose that addresses the below items. Please upload that document to the Applicant Statement of Personal History section and any other required documents.
- Please state your specific interests with respect to the new degree objective you are pursuing. Your intended area of specialization, career objective and research interests and experience are of particular interest to why you are wanting to pursue a Ph.D. degree. ALL applicants are required to submit this form.
- Review – address any issues noted in this section. You only need to address the Required Field or Error items. The Warning items are optional fields.
- You may submit your application WITHOUT submitting payment. Please ensure that you notify your graduate program of your submission as they must request that the Graduate Admissions Office waive the application fee to begin the review process.
Applying for New Cohort Funding
A student pursuing a master's degree who didn't receive any central fellowship funding in their initial offer may be eligible to apply for new cohort funding when changing to a Ph.D., whether the same major or a new one. We encourage you to talk to your program about funding eligibility. If you qualify for new cohort funding, you must submit a standard application through our new graduate application system. Students who entered their first quarter of graduate study at UCR before Summer 2023 must select the Create an account link to apply.
Complete all sections of the application as noted below. Please contact the Graduate Admissions Office for assistance if you cannot select your desired term or program.
- Personal Information – complete all required fields.
- General Information - complete all required fields.
- Program Details - complete all required fields.
- Program Specific Questions – skip.
- Academic History – add all institutions attended, including your graduate-level attendance at UCR. Your graduate program staff coordinator will upload transcripts from your previous application. You may use R’Web to upload an unofficial graduate transcript.
- Testing Requirements – skip.
- Test Scores – skip.
- Upload Score Report – skip.
- References – complete all required fields.
- Supporting Materials – complete all required fields.
- Review – address any issues noted in this section. You only need to address the Required Field or Error items. The Warning items are optional fields.
- Pay the required application fee.
Please visit the Deadlines page and see the All Students deadlines chart under Returning and Continuing Students.
Returning Graduate Students
For those applying for readmission, which program you select will determine the type of graduate app required. Select the appropriate option below to find out which application you will use. A new application fee is required to apply.
Readmission (to same program)
Students who were enrolled in a graduate program for one complete quarter or more and have withdrawn from the program can apply for re-admittance into that same graduate program. Readmission is not required for students returning from an official leave of absence. If you plan to use filing fee status the same quarter as readmission to the program, you must complete and submit the filing fee petition. You must also indicate your intent to return on filing fee status in your Statement of Purpose.
To apply for readmission, you must submit a standard application by accessing our new graduate application system. If your first quarter is Spring 2023 or older, you must create a new identity to complete your application.
Complete all sections of the application as noted below. Please contact the Graduate Admissions Office for assistance if you cannot select your desired term or program.
- Personal Information – complete all required fields.
- General Information - complete all required fields.
- Program Details - complete all required fields.
- Program Specific Questions – skip.
- Academic History – add all institutions attended, including your graduate-level attendance at UCR. Your graduate program staff coordinator will upload transcripts from your previous application. You may use R’Web to upload an unofficial graduate transcript.
- Testing Requirements – skip.
- Test Scores – skip.
- Upload Score Report – skip.
- References – our system does require you to enter contact information for three recommenders, but we require you to provide a minimum of one letter of recommendation from the research or program advisor supporting your return to the graduate program you attended previously. Contact the program you would like to add to inquire if additional letters are required. Do not use letter(s) of recommendation written for your initial application to UCR. If no additional letters are required, you may enter your Program Staff Coordinator's contact information for the remaining required recommenders. The Program Staff Coordinator DOES NOT need to provide a letter of recommendation.
- Supporting Materials – upload a Statement of Purpose that provides details in support of your readmission and describes your plan for completion of the degree. You may also upload the same statement to the Applicant Statement of Personal History section since a personal history statement is not required. If the graduate program requires other supplemental documents, you may add them via the link found in this section.
- Review – address any issues noted in this section. You only need to address the Required Field or Error items. The Warning items are optional fields.
- Pay the required application fee.
Readmission (to a different program)
A returning student who has either completed a graduate degree or withdrew from that program AND is applying to a new graduate program would need to submit a new application. You must submit a standard application by accessing our new graduate application system to apply for readmission. You must create a new identity to complete your application if your first quarter is Spring 2023 or older.
Complete all sections of the application as noted below. Please contact the Graduate Admissions Office for assistance if you cannot select your desired term or program.
- Personal Information – complete all required fields.
- General Information - complete all required fields.
- Program Details - complete all required fields.
- Program Specific Questions – skip.
- Academic History – add all institutions attended, including your graduate-level attendance at UCR. If you do not have copies of those transcripts, please contact the graduate Staff Program Coordinator for assistance. You may use R’Web to upload an unofficial graduate transcript.
- Testing Requirements – please review to see if the new program has requirements you must meet.
- Test Scores – complete all required fields only if you are required to provide a new test score.
- Upload Score Report – upload only if you are required to provide a new test score.
- References – complete all required fields. Do not use letter(s) of recommendation written for your initial application to UCR.
- Supporting Materials – complete all required fields.
- Review – address any issues noted in this section. You only need to address the Required Field or Error items. The Warning items are optional fields.
- Pay the required application fee.
Please visit the Deadlines page and see the All Students deadlines chart under Returning and Continuing Students.
Contact Info
For assistance, see which department below may be able to assist you.