University Policies
University Policies
Important information regarding policies related to duplication of advance degrees, health insurance requirements, privacy, and non-discrimination information.
Duplication of Degrees
Permission to work for a second master's degree in a NEW area may be approved on the individual merit of the application when there is little or no close relationship between the two subjects. Duplication of a master's degree in the same field is not permitted, and duplication of a doctorate is not permitted, regardless of the field of study. For example, if you hold an MS in Entomology you will not be approved to enter our master's program in Entomology but could be approved to enter a master's program in Statistics.
Medical Insurance Requirements
The University requires, as a condition of registration, that all graduate and professional students, including international students (on non-immigrant visas), have medical insurance coverage that meets the University's minimum requirements. A campus plan meeting these requirements is available. Find the appropriate contact for details regarding the campus Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) or regarding the campus minimum requirements.
Fellowship recipients whose awards pay all assessed registration fees will have their premiums paid by the fellowship. Students who can demonstrate comparable insurance coverage from another source may apply to be exempted from the mandatory plan. Students awarded the exemption have the GSHIP fee removed from their bill but do not receive any monetary compensation. Deadlines for applying for the exemption are firm. -
Ethnic Identity and U.S. Military Service
Providing information about your ethnic identity or U.S. Military service is voluntary. The Graduate Admissions Office uses ethnicity information to measure the effectiveness of its efforts towards achieving diversity and to fulfill state and federal reporting requirements. Information concerning veteran status allows our campus to provide information about campus resources for veterans.
- Social Security Number Disclosure
State of California Information Practices Act
The State of California Information Practices Act of 1977 requires the University to provide the following information to applicants for admission who are asked to supply information about themselves; The principal purpose for requesting the information on this form is to process your application for admission for which positive identification of academic records and test scores is required. In addition, if you are applying for financial aid, positive identification must be determined as well as eligibility for aid. Maintenance of this information is authorized by University policy. The officials responsible for maintaining the information contained on the application are the Chairperson of the program to which you are applying and the Dean of the Graduate Division.
UCR Nondiscrimination Policy
The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, employment, and treatment in University programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the University's student-related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Affirmative Action officer, (951) 827-5604.
Campus Security and Crime Report
The "Jeanne CLERY Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998," commonly referred to as the "CLERY Act," requires institutions of higher education receiving federal financial aid to report specified crime statistics on college campuses and to provide other safety and crime information to members of the campus community.
UC Tools for Graduate Study
The University of California has many resources regarding the 600+ graduate programs offered by the 10 UC campuses. Feel free to check out this useful information as you consider or prepare for applying to graduate school.
Providing your Social Security Number on the UCR graduate application is voluntary. This information is used to match your applicant file to GRE/GMAT test scores received electronically and is required for the processing of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application. Without this piece of matching criteria, all test score verification and subsequent application processing could be delayed. In addition, the Social Security Number is required before the dispersal of any stipend, fee payment or employment salary as part of a Graduate Fellowship or Financial Support package. Applicants without Social Security Numbers will have financial aid award packaging delayed. If not provided on the original graduate application, newly admitted students would be required upon arrival on campus to present the actual Social Security Number card for verification at the Office of the Registrar.