Focus groups led by University of California, Riverside, scientists that examined the healthcare experiences of transgender and gender-nonconforming, or TGNC, people living in California’s Inland Empire have found that this community often encounters obstacles that are unique and not faced by most other patients. The 20 TGNC people — 13 male, three female, and four...
Raman spectroscopy, which measures the energy of crystal lattice vibrations in the Terahertz frequency range, has become essential for advanced scientific research and practical applications. In the physical sciences, Raman spectroscopy helps determine the crystalline quality of materials and identify the phase transitions. Airport security uses Raman spectroscopy to distinguish sugar powder from cocaine, which...
Marilyn Corrales Arevalo, a second-year student at the UC Riverside School of Medicine, is a coauthor on a paper published this week in JAMA Network Open that sheds light on the special needs of stroke survivors. Corrales Arevalo helped develop the study protocols; was one of the community workers delivering care to patients; and ran...
A study led by Brandon Brown at the UCR School of Medicine that sought to examine whether significant differences exist in payment amounts between sociobehavioral and biomedical studies and understand what may explain the differences has concluded that, on average, biomedical studies pay significantly more. Further, more biomedical studies offer payment than sociobehavioral studies, the...
Image analysis is ubiquitous in contemporary technology: from medical diagnostics to autonomous vehicles to facial recognition. Computers that use deep-learning convolutional neural networks—layers of algorithms that process images—have revolutionized computer vision. But convolutional neural networks, or CNNs, classify images by learning from prior-trained data, often memorizing or developing stereotypes. They are also vulnerable to adversarial...
New grants totaling $6.3 million will help UC Riverside solve problems facing American avocado orchards, including a lethal fungal disease called Laurel Wilt. Laurel Wilt can destroy an entire avocado orchard in a couple of weeks once symptoms develop. It is already present in Florida. Without effective treatments, it will inevitably spread to California, which...