Graduate Research Mentoring FAQ

Can I apply for a GRMP or DYP? 

Not directly. Students must be nominated by their graduate program. Programs are allowed to submit a limited number of applications each year for these fellowships, so your program would need to select you as one of their nominees.

If I have had a GRMP fellowship previously, can I also receive a DYP? 


If I was awarded 1 or 2 quarters of a GRMP (or DYP) previously, can I be nominated for a GRMP (DYP) again?

YES, you can have up to three quarters of support from the GRMP and three quarters of support from the DYP fellowships.

Must my letters of recommendation be from UCR faculty? 

One letter must be from a UCR faculty member. Best to have two letters from UCR faculty, second best is to have one letter from a UCR faculty member and one from a faculty member elsewhere. Not as good is to have a letter from someone who is not a faculty member.

If awarded a fellowship, can I choose the quarter(s) in which to take it? 

Yes, with the caveat that the fellowship must be taken within the next fiscal year. For example, fellowships with award notifications made in May of 2020 can be used any time between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

What makes me competitive for a GRMP or DYP? 

Reviewers consider many factors, particularly how well you articulate your research problem to someone not in your field and whether your level of professionalization is commensurate with your field and stage of graduate school. In addition, your GPA, your number of years in graduate school, your letters of recommendation, and your graduate advisor’s evaluation of you all factor into how your application fares in the competition.

What is UCOP's diversity criteria for the GRMP? 

Applicants should demonstrate one or more of the following characteristics:

  1. Experience of situations or conditions which were an impediment to advancing to graduate study, such as the absence of a family member who attended college; matriculation at a school or schools with poor financial or curricular support; having a physical or learning disability; or having worked long hours while attending school; OR
  2. Academic research interests focusing on cultural, societal, or educational problems as they affect educationally disadvantaged segments of society; OR
  3. Evidence of an intention to use the doctoral degree toward serving educationally underrepresented segments of society

Under Proposition 209, UCR is not permitted to grant preferential treatment to, or discriminate against, any individual or group based on criteria such as race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.