External Fellowship Opportunities
List of external organizations/foundations offering fellowships and grants.
Links to search engines to help students conduct their own searches for outside funding can be found on UCR’s Office of Research website. Click on the “For Students” tab, then highlight “Funding Opportunities.” There you will find several links to different search engines that will help you in your search for outside funding.
Below is a list of major links for fellowship opportunities:
Social Sciences
American Indian Graduate Center Fellowships
Offers a variety of scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native graduate students
American Institute of Economic Research Fellowships
Awards for those who plan on entering or are enrolled in a doctoral program in economics.
American Political Science Association
Graduate fellowships for minority students
American Psychological Association
Fellowships and awards as part of the Minority Fellowship Program
American Sociological Association
Fellowship opportunities in Sociology
Ford Foundation Fellowships
Fellowships awarded to minority students and international students in marginalized communities
Inter-American Foundation
Awards for dissertation research in Latin America and the Caribbean