Definition of ASE Title Codes
Teaching Assistants
A Teaching Assistant (TA) is a registered graduate student in full-time registered (12 units), chosen for excellent scholarship and for promise as a teacher. Various programs may have other criteria and these must be posted.
Teaching Fellows
A Teaching Fellow is a registered graduate student in full-time registered (12 units) who has advanced to candidacy for the doctorate, or otherwise has achieved appropriate professional maturity, and who has been chosen because of competence to conduct the entire instruction of a group of students in a lower division course under the general supervision of a regular faculty member. Assignment to conduct instruction in an upper division or graduate course or course section may not be made except with the approval of the Committee on Courses. Teaching Fellows should have at least two years of teaching experience.
Associate Instructors (Associate In _)
An Associate Instructor, also known as “Associate In _,” is a full-time registered (12 units) graduate student who should be competent to work independently and without supervision to conduct the entire instruction of a lower division course. The minimal qualifications for appointment to the title shall be possession of a master's degree or equivalent training and at least one year of teaching experience. Instructors of record will normally receive a 50% appointment for a regular academic course.
The title “Reader” is given to a student employed for his/her ability to render diverse services as a "course assistant," which will normally include the grading of student papers and examinations. A Reader will not be given the responsibilities customarily accorded to a Teaching Assistant. Readers will usually be graduate students, but qualified undergraduate students may be so employed, especially when graduate students are not available. Professional readers, not enrolled as students, may be employed to meet special needs, but only on an hourly basis.
A Tutor is an individual who assists students in the understanding of subject matter independent of and supplementary to scheduled class instruction. Tutors may work on a one to one basis or in a group setting.